Sporočilo poletnega jutra:
Pojdi na sprehod pred sončnim vzhodom, ko narava še spi in vsaka travna bilka nosi kronico iz rose. Ptički se prebujajo, sliši se prvi jutranji ščebet. Opaziš, da se vsa narava radosti, ker se začenja nov dan. Ta radost se prelije tudi vate. V ušesih ti zazveni pesem Louisa Armstronga: What a wonderful world!
The message of a summer morning:
Take a walk before sunrise, when nature in still asleep and every blade of grass is wearing a crown of its own … a drop of dew. Birds are waking up, and you hear their sleepy chirping. You can feel the joy of the world at dawn, a new beginning. A surge of joy sweeps over you, too. Something is ringing in your ear … What a wonderful world.
Zapisala: Katarina Minatti