Sporočilo Gore

Sporočilo gore:

Tu si doma. Ničesar ni med tabo, tvojim dihom, tvojim srcem, tvojim telesom in naravo. Čutiš napor, ko narediš korak, čutiš vetrič na obrazu, čutiš, kako te greje sonce, čutiš vonj planinskega cvetja. Tu prebiva resnica. Tu si sam s seboj. In ko prideš na vrh, se ti odpre pogled na tvoje življenje.

The message of the mountain:

This is your home. There is nothing between you, your breath, your heart, your body and nature. You feel the effort of making a step, you feel the breeze on your face, the warmth of the sun, the smell of mountain flowers. This is where the truth lives. This is where you’re alone with yourself. And when you come to the top, you get a good view of your life.

Zapisala: Katarina Minatti

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